Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Troubles in Ethiopia with MOWA

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

So we have some news. I don't know how to label it. It seems terrible, but at the same time, for some reason (God of course), I have complete peace and am not worried at all. The news is that MOWA, the Women and Children's Ministry of Affairs in Ethiopia is trying to restructure their letter writing process regarding adoptions. They write about 50 letters a day, and from my understanding, have to write several per family. They are cutting back because they are afraid that there is child trafficking (parents being convinced to simply turn over their child when they could keep them) to satisfy the huge American waiting list for children. I don't consider this bad, because if it is true, then they are trying to protect the children and their families. The bad part is that MOWA is cutting back up to 90%. So from 50 letters a day to 5. This is devastating to the adoption community and seems to have almost everyone in a panic. Adoptions could be delayed (or not processed) interminably.

So why aren't Abe and I scared or worried at all?

Because God called us to this adoption. God has it in control. Everything is in His timing, and He will work things out according to His will. Why should we worry? No amount of worrying will help us or our kids. Instead, I place my worries and fears in the hands of the One who created the entire earth (I think He can deal with MOWA ;)). We have been praying every day and it's amazing. We have complete peace.

I heard an awesome quote on K-LOVE the other day (I don't have it exactly but this is basically what the guy said):

"We need to create some space for miracles. That's the space between you and God after you've done what you can. And that's where God comes in and works." -Matthew Barnette.

This is SO true! So we are making room for miracles. :)

Here are some links explaining more in depth what is happening, as well as a petition for adoptive parents and soon-to-be-parents to sign regarding this change in MOWA's policies.

Hope you are all doing well, we love you!

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